Thursday, December 5, 2019

Commander Gander's World Tour!

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Martian's Grand Post-Grad Adventure! In November, I, and my faithful companion, Commander Gander, took our first steps Across the Atlantic, to Luxembourg! Commander Gander is already familiar with a bit of world tourism, having come here from Gander Newfoundland, so I let him take the lead! As a fan of Come From Away, it seemed like this would be the most fun way to make the most of a trip I was so nervous about. The whole time I was overseas, I had Come From Away running through my head, reminding me that I was not the first person to have gone somewhere where I didn't know about the food, didn't necessarily speak the same language, and didn't know my way around. As Come From Away provided me so much comfort as a nervous traveller, I decided to see how many fun ways I could incorporate it into my trip! On our journey, we had a lot of chances to make our own Come From Away-style jokes and references, and so we took every chance to Stop The World! I'm a huge fan of Come From Away, so this seemed like a great chance to live the music I've gone and enjoyed so many times.

Commander Gander and I woke up early to leave PLENTY of time to arrive and get through TSA with no stress. TSA was LOVELY-everyone was so nice, and Commander Gander made some new friends! I also found out about this fantastic program TSA has called “TSA cares.” If you have anxiety, special needs, or a disability, you can reach out to TSA cares-usually 72 hours before you fly-to set up a guide with the program, called a “Passenger Support Specialist.” I did not know about the program before I flew, but what a GREAT idea! Find out more about it here.

Anyway, Commander Gander and I left early and parked at ParkNJet, by the Clarion Hotel. An anxious traveller, I had booked my ticket in advance, and saved some money using a Groupon. I made sure we had our ticket which would help us find our car when we got back, and we got on the shuttle to Philadelphia Airport.

We got through TSA no problem, and I stopped to re-check I have everything-a task made much easier with Tile-as long as I have what I’m supposed to, there’s a green “find” button. If I’m not sure, I can push the “find” button and hear it ring. I placed a tile inside my backpack, my luggage, on my keys, my headphones, my passport holder, and my ID card, which I had to take since I was traveling. If you don’t use tile and are constantly losing things or in a last-minute morning panic about “where’s my keys? Where’s my ID? Where’s my wallet?” Tile might be for you! You can buy it here.

So after we got through TSA, I noticed a very familiar blue-and-gold sign on the TV screens near the departure boards! I had already packed my Come From Away hoodie, I was wearing my “Me and the Sky” T-shirt, and I, of course, had the Come From Away book, signed by the cast, my backpack I decorated in Come From Away colors (complete with Jenn Colella and Gander Town pin) that had also been signed by the cast, my jacket that is exactly like the one Petrina Bromley wears as Bonnie Harris onstage-and is signed by her-and of course, Commander Gander. Seeing a Come From Away ad in the airport immediately eased some of my anxiety-any place that proudly displays Come From Away signage is ok by me.

Anyway, once through TSA (Commander Gander did NOT enjoy the X-ray machine…) Commander Gander and I went to the gate to watch the airplanes. Like me, Commander Gander is a huge aviation geek, and we spotted a LOT of planes, including American Airlines (had the prettiest planes!) 

We took a flight on Delta, where there was nothing in between Me and the Sky! We enjoyed Delta’s cookies and a cold glass of the best Apple Juice onboard! I looked up and couldn’t resist a familiar joke: “pushing the lightbulb button will turn your reading light on, but pushing the flight attendant button will not turn your flight attendant on!” (At least Commander Gander laughed.)

 After a short hop to Georgia, where I stopped by the cockpit to talk with our Captain, who was a Master’s graduate from Riddle, Gander and I hopped on the Plane Train to the International Terminal, grabbed a quick lunch, and exchanged our Dollars for Euros before heading to our gate where the Boeing 787 Dreamliner flown by KLM awaited us! I think Gander, like me, was blown away by how HUGE the plane was in real life! 


The inside was just as amazing, and colorful too. The windows have “tint dimmer buttons” instead of shades! Commander Gander paid careful attention to the safety briefing. And with that, we rumbled down the runway, and said Good-bye to the U…S…OF A!

After some seven hours, we touched down in Amsterdam’s Schiopol Airport! We had to go through Passport Control, where we got our first stamp, after of course being asked “Name? Destination? Purpose of your trip?” Just like Astrid and Geno do onstage every night!

Commander Gander and I found our gate and took out a classic American snack-the ever reliable snack that smiles back-GOLDFISH.

A bus took us to our final plane, a KLM Cityhopper to Luxembourg. We were so low to the ground it felt more like being…on the bus. We got a delicious snack of Almond-filling cookies and mineral water.

FINALLY, my bus arrives…at the Luxembourg airport. We were greeted by our driver and taken to our hotel, the Hotel Simon’s Plaza.
I was here for a company conference, so not many photos from work days. I took a couple of pictures of the view there with my camera, didn’t know where we were, but I knew that It was gorgeous! "The plane people — they’re exhausted — but they don’t want to sleep," The hotel was ready with lots of food, but that wasn’t what we wanted. we wanted phones-phoning home felt good, as my manager let me take the work phone to use overseas. Mom was happy to hear that Commander Gander and I had arrived safely.

In our free time, We went on a winery tour (there was no Screech,) and everyone was "drinking and comparing stories." We also to the Christmas Market, which had lots of lights, ice skating, and shopping! Commander Gander did not travel to the Market, because he likes to wander off too much. I admired the architecture and the way the city’s skyline seems to go up forever, the art, and the way they have so many flags flying high. Luxembourg is a mix of French and German culture-with France to the west and Germany to the east-so you may hear or see both languages-or more-in one place! At the market, I even saw a moose! I also saw the Notre Dame cathedral, where I thought of the Prayer from Come From Away.

See that there? Yah, das a moose.

 And while it wasn't quite the Dover Fault, there was this "gorgeous outlook" over this beautiful bridge-where two parts of a valley separated, moving apart from each other.
We went to this cool nautical-themed restaurant overlooking the river. I had a hamburger, playing it safe.
My last “working” day in Luxembourg, was the last day of one of my counterparts in the other office where our conference was held. There was so much cake, “it’s like they never slept!”

Finally, it was back to the airport for me and Gander. Our first stop of course, was saying THANK GD WE STOPPED AT THE DUTY FREEEEE. We had to go outside to board our plane, so we bundled up. 
And we saw a plane facing right at the window!

There was a nice lounge to wait in...

 Commander Gander demonstrated the safety
precautions for his fellow passengers
and then we were off!

On the flightline, Gander
even took a photo beneath the
cockpit window.

The snacks on the return trip were more food we’d never had-Newfoundland has toutons, Cod au Gratin, and casserole dishes “I don’t think I could lift.” KLM has Stroopwaffle. (I had to stop laughing before I could actually try it!) We landed in Amsterdam from Luxembourg and went through Passport Control again, but we didn’t stop for pictures-we had a short connection! We barely made it to our next flight across the Atlantic-a triple 7 that thankfully was NOT sinking into any asphalt!

Commander Gander buckled himself in and watched the safety briefing-although in an accident he could just fly away, so I dunno what HE was so worried about. He should read Philippians 4:6, "Be Anxious For Nothin’."

During the flight, the Captain himself came to visit myself and Gander, and even invited us up to the cockpit in Atlanta! We were even awake as we crossed the Canadian border, there was no rain and we saw NYC clear as day! There wasn’t even any turbulence…so there was nothing for Nick and Diane to “miss” on this trip…

While our trip was fun, and the food was an adventure, Commander Gander and I were happy to get home. Our first stop was Arby’s and Villa Pizza for some old-school American food, which tasted even better after having been away from home for far too long. By the time we got to the car it had been two days’ travel, nearly—but it was "sure a nice view!" But there was nothing like being home sweet home. And the next day, we saw our favorite show on Broadway, the show that had inspired us throughout our week feeling like we were "somewhere, in the middle of who knows where"-Come From Away! No longer "looking different, feeling kinda different too," it was the best way to Come back from Away.

I sure learned a lot on my trip, and I think Commander Gander enjoyed his time too! But I think it’s time for both of us to put away the passports, close up the suitcases, and stick close to home for awhile, because while we may all Come From Away, there’s nothing like hearing the captain announce… “Ladies and Gentleman put your seatbacks, and tray tables up….Come around, pass the field and then the wheels touch the ground, taxi in we’re all cheering we're down, thanking everyone that you for flying [on KLM]…'cause we're home again, past the gate up the stairs and we’re there…” and I’m not leaving again anytime soon, while I may have found my heart, I think I left more of me behind on this side of the Atlantic. With that, the two of us are home safe, and I think it’s about time Commander Gander and I Screech Out! (Phew, that was a lot! How many Come From Away references did you count?)

Till next time!

xo -Martian
**DISCLAIMER: This post not sponsored, endorsed, approved, or associated with Come From Away in any way shape or form This post is made by just a big fan of the show.