Sunday, November 12, 2017

Touch-N-Go Incentive Trip!

Hey Everyone! Well, it's that time of year again. What? Christmas? No! It's Touch-N-Go INCENTIVE! 
Welcome back to another Episode of The Little Martian Girl. It's been awhile. Welcome back to Touch-N-Go Productions. The Gold Standard for Campus Activities. We've had another year fly by, and we're back...ironically, in black.
It's nearing the end of the year, and students are rushing to the office. Everyone is asking one question; "Did I make hours?" This means-did I attend half of Touch-N-Go meetings and, out of the 96 hours we spent putting on events, did I do at least half of those? The answer, for about twenty of us, was a resounding "Yes!" And so, on a Saturday in November, we piled into the School Transportation Vehicles, and off we headed to Orlando.

We got there within an hour of leaving-around 130. After bags had been searched, and admission bracelets adorned each member's wrist, everyone rushed to the Go-Karts for a traditional TNG Race.

Here we are, waiting our turn, in our handsome Black-and-White Member Polos, indicating our status and making it very easy to find each other

Here we are, identifiable as ever, looking cool, walking in a group, in our Member Polos....

Well, within an hour, my best friend arrived, and off we went to the carousel, tilt-a-whirl, the Fun Slide, the ScramBlurr, and to ride the Go-Karts again. 

And occasionally take a break...

Riding the Rip Curl

Arguably my favorite photo, taken from the old wooden roller coaster looking up.

Then, we all went off to Dinner, a treat paid for by Touch-N-Go, and, by extension, The SGA.

 The place we went was called Texas de Brazil-a dinner place that cost $50/person and there isn't even a menu! They bring different foods (mostly meat) to your table and you say "yes, I'd like to try that" or "No, thank you."
Look at this fancy Ketchup!! It comes on its own boat!
Look at this Dessert Selection! (I went for the Chocolate Cake)
My favorite was the mashed potatoes. Look
at the fancy little boats that the sides were
served in!

 Everybody got very excited when they brought the dessert selection around. It was a very serious debate!

 Annd Finally...the Touch-N-Go Group Photo

As you can see, some of my old friends are still around, and I've made some new ones along the way. It's been a great adventure so far, and we aren't done yet. We're rocking and rolling here, and this was a great time, and a fun bonding experience. Well worth the over 70-odd hours I logged to earn the right to be here and call myself, still, a member of Touch-N-Go.

Stay tuned, amd keep visiting me here for more updates on my adventures!

xo -Martian