Touch-N-Go productions with some of the Thunderbirds! L-R: Grey shirt (2nd in) is Brandon, then Kendall, Robert, Silvano, Steven, [Thunderbird], Michael, Geo, ME!!!! Chris, Drew |
Welcome to an exciting update from here at ERAU-Daytona Beach. The newest place this Martian finds herself.
Well, Embry Riddle has been fantastic to me, thus far. I met some awesome people, and they call themselves Touch-N-Go productions. They're like Prescott's BCA. They put on movies, they do concerts, they do comedy shows, and other stuff like that.
So, meet some of my new friends!!
There's Christopher-most people call him the last part of his name, Tofer. I just call him Chris. The reason for that is there's another chris, and he goes by Chris or by his last name, Silvano. "tofer" is also known as "sound dude". He's the best to ask questions from. He knows a LOT of stuff about sound, and also about how to wrap a cable correctly.
Tofer is dating Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn does promotional stuff and she's REALLY good at it. Touch-N-Go's activities are always well attended because of her good job promoting them.
Then there's other Chris-the one I mentioned actually goes by his last name. He's super good at set-up stuff-actually, everyone is, but here he is helping Kaitlyn set-up Bingo for Casino night (more on that to come!)
Brandon is good at lighting, controlling stage pieces, and the people around them, and being VERY particular. That sounds bad but it's actually VERY important. Without him being particular, everything wouldn't be lined up correctly, or done in a timely manner... Because of his particularity, We get stuff done, and our stuff looks AWESOME. Also, he likes coffee. I've seen him drinking it even at nighttime! We all know why I can't do that...
Steven helps Tofer on sound stuff. He likes Minecraft. He built a ROLLER COASTER!!! He's a really good helper during shows and stuff. Also, he helps me practice my math sometimes.
Lorraine does food stuff and helps take care of the acts. She prepares the dressing-room-like area and brings things like waters, and soda, and even sunscreen. She likes water snakes enough that I got her her own, and she hid it and no one knows where it is except her! :) She's nice and if I have nothing to do she gives me jobs.
Dustin is cool. His point of pride seems to be his beard. I'm pretty sure he's the boss-man, but he's not BOSSY. He's like a good leader-he doesn't make everyone else do things, he is a boots-on-the-ground person. He leads the meetings, and he keeps everything moving smoothly.
Jason does security stuff. When he's the boss we wear cool yellow polos-like these....
He helps count how many people come in, and keeps an eye out for "suspicious characters" and bad behavior.
His motto is "safety is sexy"
creds to |
Drew is super nice. He introduced me to everyone, and he coaches softball, and he roots for the Panthers. He was VERY disappointed in how the Super Bowl turned out.
Michael does money stuff. He's a pilot and he just passed his instrument test! We were VERY proud of him and everyone clapped!!!
Kendall helps with, in his words "soundy stagey stuff". He apparently is talented at "making stuff awesome". Here he is making sure everyone that came to Casino night gets tickets and stuff.
Jessie picks the movies. He makes sure everyone has what they need, and is in charge of managing the office, like I manage my Skyhawks team...And this blog, OF COURSE!! But he doesn't just stay in the office, he helps set-up stuff too, just like everyone does!!
Manny plays Ninja with me on movie nights and is super good at the counters, and he's getting much better at Ninja, if I didn't use my ninja kicks. But he's getting good at getting my arms! Although I remember certain DEFY kiddos who loved to get me out with those same sneaky ninja kicks. Guess I learned!
Kevin hangs out in the office a lot. He's a good helper and he's tall, so he's good for hanging the cables up and pushing the stage decks. I usually am on the other end of the deck he's pushing, so I'm the puller. Also I'm short, so I can't reach where the cables go. He's a good person to call if I can't throw them onto the hook. Robert helps me with that too. Everyone is actually a super-good team player. Maybe that's why everyone makes such good softball teammates too!
Marcus, Angus, Ben, Geo, and Shelby are some other awesome people in Touch N Go. Like me, we basically do "whatever we are told". That's ok though, since the more people there are, the more direction is needed. But for big events, we definitely come in HAND-y! Ben also hangs out at the office a lot with Steven and plays Minecraft and he builds some REALLY cool stuff!
So that's "all hands on deck" from here at Touch-N-Go! And here we are at work:
Tune in next post, for more information about the super-fun activities Touch N Go does here.
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