Saturday, March 5, 2016

Events with Touch-N-Go

So, as mentioned, Touch-N-Go does COOL STUFF.

Much like Prescott BCA, TNG here in Daytona beach brings in movies, comedy acts, and puts on other fun activities like Casino night.

The Thunderbirds visit ERAU

It was Drew's idea to put the skirts
behind the screens to make it more
There was setting up for when the thunderbirds came to visit, which meant getting up REALLY early-like seven AM!!!

The chairs and that stage with the skirt?
Yup, Touch-N-Go did it.

Casino Night

Then there's Casino night, where there was over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in Prizes!!

Paint U EDM Music night

All darkness, glow in the dark paint, an outside stage that had to be covered in a tarp. The grass is still lime green. People were throwing their glow necklaces in the trees.

This was set-up. Everyone got really excited about the HUGE sound board we had. I mean look at the size of this thing!!!

I've never quite seen EVERYONE gathered around the sound board quite like this.

 Finally, the event!! All that set-up, for this. It was SO COOL. This is the view from outside, and behind, the flying paint from the paint cannon. Yes, I said PAINT. CANNON.

See, Touch-N-Go isn't just events, set up, and clean-up. When we finish early, we get to just have fun. After all, we are all college students, we like to goof around! So WIKD (the radio station that helped with the event) brought the bat, TNG brought the ball, and Marcus pitched, and everyone up on the stage got to hit.

Sometimes it's fun to just hang out, throw the ball around, relax...

Drew runs the TNG softball team, you can see Manny and Lorraine here ready to play!

So that's a Martian's eye view from some really cool events Touch-N-Go does. Stay up to date on all my super-fun college adventures back here!

xoxo Martian

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