Tuesday, April 24, 2012

East Lyme Girls' Tennis

So, you may or may not know this about me, but I play Girls' Tennis, and I'm totally in love with the sport. I'm not good at it, but I do enjoy it. Our Season is in full swing now, so, i thought i'd do something for them.
This is two of our Three captains, the third (not pictured) Is Liz Miller. On the Left is Sam Hart, and the Right is Sagune Sakya, seniors. With her head down is Caroline Costa, a junior.

So This is some of us relaxing. That's really primarily what our games...excuse me, MATCHES, come down to. Pictured on the right going counterclockwise, is Rachel Sullivan (with her back to the camera), Puja Patel, Rebecca Willems-Clement, behind her is Shivani Dandekhar, (sorry if i spelled her name wrong) Kristen Whitlatch, and, in all white with the Awesome Tan, is Sam Hart. Excluding Sam, the rest of us call ourselves "AJV" or Advanced Junior Varsity. In The photo on the left are some of the sophomores, and Emitt, a Girls' Tennis fan. Tara, Lourdes, and, in the back, Kiki Vymola, are the only faces able to be made out, also known as just regular JV.

This is what a typical tennis match looks like for doubles. Sagune and Caroline play doubles together, and they're a great pair

Really, all our players are amazing, and I'm lucky to play with such a great group of people. As for me, well, my overall record is 3-1, not that i'm bragging. I would hate to get cocky not even halfway through the season. Wish us Luck!


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