Sunday, April 22, 2012

Vaughn College Visit-New York City!

So, as a Junior in High School, College Shopping is on everyone's list of priorities right now. Me? I'm looking at Embry-Riddle, with a few of my Space Camp Friends, Daniel Webster, a small college in Nashua, and Vaughn College in New York City. I love New York City. *secret obsession confession* so here are a few pictures from my trip there! Plus, Vaughn's setup reminded me of camp so much....i miss it there. The dorms are so similiar to the Habs at camp (Habitats, or dorms, in Space Camp Speak)
The New York Times Office. Can you believe it? I imagine some of my friends would be SO jealous! I want to have a book as famous as this newspaper is! I want to have my book be read all over the world. Passing the NY times office, i was awestruck into silence. And for me, that's really saying something. For me, and many aspiring writers,  making this paper's best-seller lsit is a dream come true. So look out for me in this newspaper in the future!!
OK, I'll be honest. No idea what this globe is. But i saw it from my car as my mom weas driving through Brooklyn going down memory lane. It struck me as, for lack of a better term, "pretty". So I figured taking a photo of it wasn't unprecedented. It is awfully nice.

So I'll admit it, I love skyline photos; Mostly, because you just can't mess them up! The Skyline of Brooklyn really epitimizes Manhattan, to me. (top, right). It looks like a floating city.... (titanic musical, anyone?) The photo taken from the bridge, (Left) shows the freedom tower, the Chrysler building and the Empire State Building. (which, for some reason, my mom kept calling the entertainment building....oy.) To me, this is one of my best skyline shots. Another photo taken from the bridge jsut seemed to capture the city from a distance. (above, left) I just felt so awed by the view. I really do love the city.

This is the whitestone bridge. I love studying bridges. I may never be an architect, or an engineer, but i will be a NASA computer technician in Mission Control, so i can appreciate amazing building skills. I mean, the shuttle IS a building, in itself. So I had to take a photo of the bridge from a distance. It was actually quite gorgeous in person.
So that's my visit to New York City. From my visit to Vaughn, I could see myself going there. It was like going back to space camp. But will I end up attending? Well, that remains to be seen. So I hope so, but i don't know yet. Wish me luck!


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