So, having found my old camera, and then graduating to my new one, i took some photos this summer. Just thought it'd be cool to share them. they are actualyl pretty neat, if not a bit cliche.
So this is me, black and white. It actually looks cooler than i expected. My New Camera, which i didn't expect to look as cool as it did, or to create any neat photos, actually did
My Mom LOVES this photo. its an Ice Cream Barn, but i framed it and made it Sepia-this was on my old camera- and, well, you can see for yourself how nice the effect came out. I Took this on the way to pick up my Sister from Camp
Okay, this was pulling into my sister's camp. it looks kind of older, at least to me, even though it's recent, i really like the picture. This one was also on my Old camera, which, if you're wondering, ate up batteries, which is why i had to get rid of it. :( But again, the effect cannot be argued with.
So this is the sky. I've always had a soft spot for pink in the sky, and clouds that look like spun sugar. I've also always had a poets soul, or so i've been told.
So thats a sample of my photography. They aren't too good, but i mean, i'm still learning. It's fun to take pictures, for me, that's kidna my thing, is taking random pictures. Just not "selfies", which seems to be a teenage staple. what is with that anyway? Well, that's another topic for a later time. ENjoy the photos? Let me know!
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