Thursday, August 23, 2012

Working at The Child Development Center

So I work at the Child Development Center-and I have a really great group of people to work with. Everyone there is so nice! They are all really great teachers, both to me, and the little kids. I didn't think this summer would have gone so well if They hadn't taught me so much, and I can only hope I left an imprint on them too.
So this is the Staff Lounge, where I usually slept before and After my shift. We had a fridge, a colorful announcement board, and, as you'd learn from more than one day at the CDC, the signature Sink, which is in Every Single Room.

The toddlers Pre-toddlers, and Preschoolers are an artistic group. These are some pictures hanging in the hall. It really brightens the place up!

So That's kind of a mini-tour of the CDC, My Home Away From Home.

-xox Martian

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