Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hammonasset State Park Beach Bum Ride

So this past weekend, I went on a ride with the Meetup.Com group called the Casual Bikers. I did my longest mile ride ever-16 miles. I didn't get lots of photos (both hands on the wheel of course!!) but here are some from when we stopped at the edge of the beach in two places. And I have to say, it was thrilling to be back with my bike again!!!

I was SO happy to be on this ride! And check out my bike posing next to me! Thanks to James for the Tshirt.

 Just look at the views. Also, there was an Ice Cream truck! I got a Cookies and Creme Screamer, and there was this adorable puppy named Bailey

Our Second Beach

By now, I was SO tired, but having so much fun. You can see the sun is starting to shift toward the West.
I was so happy to be back with my bike, I had to get a photo of her in front of the gorgeous beaches we stopped at

Hope you've enjoyed my short tour of Hammonasset State Park Beach Bum Ride. I'm going on another ride this weekend and I can't wait to have more pictures to post!!!

xoxo Martian 

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