Friday, May 15, 2015

Westover ARB Air Show

So, today I got to go check out the Blue Angels and other flight demonstrations at Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee Massachusetts.

There was a model M*A*S*H helicopter, just like on the Show!

There were exhibits you could check out, such as these fighter planes (right) and the older plane that came with it's own truck (left)

Canadian Snowbirds

Check out these guys flying in formation. I thought it was awesome to see the different configurations I saw in their planes!!!

More Demos


There was this plane, which my mom and I wondered was some type of Government Plane. Still don't know. We were told, at least, that it probably belonged to a lower-level government official. Too bad. How cool would it be to see Air Force One at an air show?

Unfortunately, this was closed, but I think it was a simulator. Too bad it was closed! How cool would it be to have seen what it's like to be in a REAL Blue Angel???

There was this cool drone-looking thing.
I don't know what kind of drone,
not my department.

There was a fuel leak right before the Blue Angels Flight. they called EVERYONE. Guess you can't EVER be too safe when it comes to fighter jets. I wasn't surprised.

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