Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This Post has been a long time Coming. Boys' basketball this year was something else. I worked like a dog, found a new app to make life easier, and ended up working harder due to extra time...Go figure.

Here are some of the posters made on Senior Night for the boys. I didn't make them (I was busy, not being recognized) We lost four Seniors- Wade, Kevin, Nick and Anthony. And me. The boys got me flowers, to which i could only say a flustered "aww thanks"


These are the boys returning their uniforms after the last game.
The season is over now, but I know the game will go on next year, and I can only hope they find a manager as great as me.

So that's boys Basketball 2012-2013. My senior year. I guess i should say it now- I'll miss you all!

xx Martian

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