Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Embry-Riddle Campus

The View from the Auditorium, Davis Learning Center
So, I'm a second-semester freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University here in Prescott, Arizona. It's a gorgeous Campus, even when the wind is blowing, or it's raining, or even snowing. It may be Arizona, but we experience all the seasons here!

August is monsoon season, so just before classes, we pretty much got soaked. 

We also get snow. Just before thanksgiving break, we got enough snow for me to spend about an hour building the little guy on the right. He didn't last long, but he sure is cute! On the left you can see the snow on the track (upper left) and the path down to our gym/activity center covered in the white stuff. 

More images from Riddle Campus. One thing about Prescott, Arizona- we have BEAUTIFUL Sunsets!
 So this old dirt road is a good friend, i take it every time on my way to flying Remote-Control Airplanes. The weather in the morning is always absolutely beautiful.
So that's some photos of Embry-Riddle from a Martian's Eye-View. Stay tuned for more!

xox -Martian

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