Sunday, March 18, 2012

Colchester Community Theater-Anything Goes

Colchester community theater? what IS it? I can't begin to tell you in WORDS what CCT is. It's my family, my home away from home. We use Bacon Academy's theater and we're a tight-knit group. I love working for them, i guess its my own secret obsession. I'm on the lighting crew, a position which i value right up there with living! Maybe i'm a bit obsessed, but you truly can't blame me, it's a pretty awesome thing to be a part of
 So This is our dress rehearsal, they were running lines. In the front row? Oh, that's Wallis, our director. Fantastic, Amazing, Wonderful person.
This is pre-show Saturday afternoon. Partying hard with Colchester Community theater. It's a tradition at CCT, for us to have a mini dance party before the house opens. I made some amazing friends at CCT.

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