Sunday, March 25, 2012


I'll admit it, i'm a closet iCarly fanatic. What can i say? What's good is good. I just found my camera that i brought to the show, so i decided to share some photos from when they came LIVE to Subase NLON. It was a great time and I even caught one of the tennis balls that Jerry Trainor threw out into the crowd. pretty crazy, right? I literally FELL on top of it. LOL. One of those hillarious memories you NEVER forget. They even gave us a preview of their new iCarly episode! So anyway, here are some pictures from awhile ago, that probably should have been up sooner....but it's a tribute to my prowess as a procrastinator!
They actually Did do a q&A with us, sort of, and i kind of talked to Jennette McCurdy, a personal hero of mine. they posed for pictures afterward, and i took easily a half dozen. Not bad, right?

At the last part, the even posed for photos. there were some funny ones, and flashes going off left and right. I would have been blinded, but they managed to smile through it. What a great night, all i could say.


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