Sunday, March 18, 2012

Amazing People, Amazing Life

 I thought now would be a good time to post some photos of my amazing friends. Above is Kate Kielty, who graduated class of 2011. A great person, editor of the Saga. Below is Shianne Nicole, eighth grader and the daughter of My mom's boyfriend. We went to icarly together.. we're pretty tight.

Even my sisters i consider friends sometimes. Don't tell them. To the left is me and my sister Serina in the kitchen, making browned beef, my absolute FAVORITE meal. On the Right is my sister Ashley, who's closer to me then blood. She's not even my real sister but i love her like she really is. We're at a Connecticut Sun Basketball game.

So those are some of my closest friends. I don't know what i'd do with them. I've made some Amazing friends in this life. That's all i can really tell you about them. If you don't know them, i'm not sure you can completely understand.


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